In this week’s exploration of Satya, Deborah Adele introduces complexity and ambiguity to the conversation by drawing the tension we experience in our daily lives between the desire to belong and the desire to grow. She connects this to a concept she describes as “doing things right the first time.” She expands on this by detailing those moments of procrastination like putting off doing our finances, or little lies we tell ourselves like “Oh yes, I’ll definitely have enough time to do all 10 items on my to do list today.”
Read MoreThis week we’re looking at the second aspect of Satya truthfulness: Self-Expression. In Deborah Adele’s The Yamas and Niyamas she contrasts self-expression with self-indulgence. Its an interesting addition to last week’s focus on “being nice” instead of being true to oneself. Adele argues that when we are not true to ourselves, when our true expression is muted in some way, we look elsewhere for that expression or fulfillment.
Read MoreBeing nice is the cursory, “polite,” all-too-common exchange: Hi there; how are you? I’m good, you? I’m good. How often do we ask that question in earnest to really hear the answer? How often do we answer that question with honesty and trust? Adele draws a line between nice and real. As someone who considers herself to be a Nice Person, I found this section to be challenging.
Read MoreRead MoreIs my “yes” coming
From a dark corner or from
The light in my heart?
Last week we took a look at how we might run interference into the lives of others. This week we look at how all of that love and concern worrying about others might be a distraction from the real work: loving ourselves.
Read MoreHi, my name is Brooke, and I’m a worrier.
“Worry is fear that hasn’t grown up yet; it is a misuse of our imagination. We both devalue and insult others when we worry about them”
(P.S. The same goes for worrying about yourself or your own life.)
Read MoreRead More“If we are not on purpose with creating balance for ourselves, we can easily fall victim to false promises and fill every breathable space with appointments and activities and all the responsibilities that go with a full agenda. It is anti-cultural to claim any space that is simply space, or to move with any kind of lingering, or to take time for closure. We are bombarded and we bombard ourselves. And if we have any doubts, our calendars will reveal the truth of our craziness.”